Thursday, March 22, 2012

Jori and Heather's Presentation

To locate Heather and Jori's presentation please just follow these simple sets:

1) Go to D2L
2) Click on Discussion
3) Go to the "open discussion area"
4) Click on Jori and Heather's Puppet Show Presentation
5) Watch and enjoy!

After watching the presentation please post comments below this blog entry

Due to the fact that Heather and Jori had their blog done early they posted it on D2L.  Good for you two!  It is not always an easy task to post a video onto D2L.  I think posting a video or photo onto the blogs are much easier.  At least there are fewer steps.

Next week look for Jennifer Kieren's presentation here!


  1. Hi Everyone,

    I am not able to open or save the video... Any suggestions?



  2. This was a great little puppet show! Fun and repetitive for younger kids. It actually got me thinking about whether or not I could do something like this with my HS kids. It actually might be kind of fun to take the story of The Scarlett Letter and simplify it down to a puppet show. I'm chuckling to myself thinking about it because they always struggle with this novel but then to see it broken down like this would be fun. I may need to try this! I'm teaching it again in April, so I'll keep everyone posted!

  3. Very nice puppet show ladies! What a fun idea. I remember this song/book/chant/poem when I was growing up. I always loved doing the actions to the song too! Great ideas for little kids and for big kids to create a play to present to others.

  4. What a great idea. This book is really well suited to a puppet show because the repetition makes it easy for the kids to present it. I loved how you differentiated between the talking (“We’re goin’ on a bear hunt”) and the sounds (swish swash, swish swash). Even kindergarteners could “write” their own versions patterned after this (maybe, we’re goin’ on a duck hunt? An elephant hunt? Whatever they want to hunt). What’s great is you can use it to teach sequencing and the difference between characters talking and narration.

  5. This is a great idea. I did this song on a cd with a group of preschoolers a couple of weeks ago. They love this story and one could rewrite it anyway you wanted to add a different version. This is a great idea. Thanks for sharing!!
